Latvijas Architrashtura on Instagram: "thank God 4 tenders #konkurss!! makes you #happy 2 see architects dreaming about better #urbanfabric #pilsetasaudums!! #totally #thinking #outofthebox! "11 mājokļi studentiem stilizētu gaisa balonu formā raksturo dzīvespriecīgo un kustīgo studentu vidi" :) #AIR011 #annonymous #latarh"
51 likes, 2 comments - Latvijas Architrashtura (@archfartlv) on Instagram: "thank God 4 tenders #konkurss!! makes you #happy 2 see architects dreaming about better #urbanfab..."
Previous thread is here:
Time to start new thread :D
On 22nd November 2006 there are the following highrises with 20 and more floors under construction in Riga:
1. and 2. Z-towers in Zunds, Kipsala highrise district. 33 floors and 28...